I have a collection as "UserRecords". structure for this is as follows
"_id" : "ee654ce6-e50d-4243-8738-35c087a85e67",
"_t" : "Animals",
"ClickedOn" : NumberLong(1452600122),
"Category" : "Nature",
"UserId" : "a1",
"_id" : "ee654ce6-e50d-4243-8738-35c087a85e67",
"_t" : "Abstract",
"ClickedOn" : NumberLong(1247634566),
"Category" : "Modern",
"UserId" : "a1",
"_id" : "ee654ce6-e50d-4243-8738-35c087a85e67",
"_t" : "Abstract",
"ClickedOn" : NumberLong(1247634440),
"Category" : "Modern",
"UserId" : "a1",
and more...
now I want to get Max clicked on for each category. Using latest Mongo C# driver something like
select Max(clicked) from table group by Category in SQL.
Queries like this can be efficiently processed with the MongoDB Aggregation Framework. However, the queries are written as JSON, making them a bit hard to read.
var dataCollection = Database.GetCollection("UserRecords");
var AggArgs = new AggregateArgs {
Pipeline =
new[] {BsonDocument.Parse(@"{$group : {_id : '$Category', ClickedOn : {$max : '$ClickedOn'}}}")}
foreach (var result in dataCollection.Aggregate(AggArgs))
Console.WriteLine($"Category: {result["_id"]} Clicked: {result["ClickedOn"]}");