How can I use Docker to start Mountebank as a server? I am following this tutorial but I can't make it work.
This error appears:
warn: [mb:2525] dry running injection, use the isDryRun request field in your JavaScript to ignore...
error: [mb:2525] injection X=> SyntaxError: Unexpected token e
error: [mb:2525] source: "(function(request, logger) { return JSON.parse('state'); })(scope, logger);"
error: [mb:2525] scope: {"requestFrom":"","data":"test","isDryRun":true}
The project is open source and CI is Travis. I have cross-posted this discussion to the Mountebank mailing list.
The problem appears to be that the base Docker image is using an old version of mountebank (v1.2.122). I'm not super familiar with Docker, but I assume it's caching the image originally built by Conrad. Your config file works fine with the latest version of mountebank; that just needs to be installed in the Docker container. -!topic/mountebank-discuss/m-UrVZBR1sQ