The example provided in the zkessentials book is too simplistic yet the documentation goes way overboard (in my opinion).
What I'd like to do is create a template with just a button and pass it it's style class and it's label value.
The example in the book shows a ten-line Zul and then says you have to declare its a template but does not mention where nor does it mention how to pass values to the template.
The other examples introduce @{define(left)}
and @{insert(left)}
which obviously with no explanation makes it pretty difficult to make it out if I can just pass values there or if it's doing some matching.
Thanks for your help.
Maybe you just want to make a predefined class who extends button.
public class MyButton extends Button implements BeforeCompose {
public void beforeCompose() {
setLabel("new Button");
// and more settings you want to set as default
Now you have this class you can use it in 3 different ways. First of all :
<button use="my.path.MyButton"/>
Second :
<?component name="mybutton" class="my.path.MyButton"?>
<mybutton />
Thirth :
Add this in lang-addon.xml :
and usage in zul :
<mybutton />