How can I use my own custom filter to format lets say, day in week to be not Sunday, Monday... but to use my $translate
service. For Example
app.filter('formatDate', ['$translate', function ($translate) {
return function (date) {
var now = new Date();
var date = new Date(date);
var monthNames = [
"Jan", "Feb", "March",
"Apr", "May", "June", "July",
"Aug", "Sept", "Oct",
"Nov", "Dec"
dayNames = [
"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
var formattedDate;
if (now.getDate() == date.getDate() && now.getMonth() == date.getMonth() && now.getFullYear() == date.getFullYear()) {
if (diffSeconds < 120) {
formattedDate = 'few seconds ago';
else {
if (diffSeconds <= 300) {
formattedDate = Math.round(diffSeconds / 60) + ' minutes ago';
else {
formattedDate ='at '+hours + ':' + minutes + ampm;
else {
if(diffDays == 1)
formattedDate = 'yesterday';
else {
if (diffDays < 7){
formattedDate = 'on ' + dayNames[date.getDay()];
formattedDate = monthNames[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getDate() + ', ' + date.getFullYear();
return formattedDate;
How can I have the array dayNames to use my translated days in weeks?
I used $translate.instant()
to solve this...
dayNames = [