I have the following problem in a Java application that use Spring framework.
So I have the following situation, into the root-context.xml configuration file I have this bean configuration:
<!-- Definition for datiPianiInterventiDaoImpl bean -->
<bean id="datiPianiInterventiDaoImpl" class="it.myCompany.myclient.batch.dao.DatiPianiInterventiDaoImpl">
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
Ok so it works fine and this bean is correctly created and works fine.
The problem is that now in this bean I have to inject also an intance of the org.springframework.core.env.Environment Spring class.
So I try to do in this way:
public class DatiPianiInterventiDaoImpl implements DatiPianiInterventiDao {
private Environment env;
But it seems can't work because, when I perform my application the value of the Environment env is null.
The @Autowired is activated because I use this annotation in other classes o my project.
So what could be the problem? I am thinking that maybe it could depend by the fact that I define my bean having id="datiPianiInteventiDaoImpl" into my root-context.xml (and here I am defining also the dependency to inject into this bean).
So maybe I can't mix the XML dependency injection with the use of @Autowired?
What is wrong? What am I missing? How can I correcctly inject the Environment instance into this class?
Possible causes of Environment being null: