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Storing custom coordinates in SQL Server

I have a table in SQL Server database that has a 2 fields X, Y. These fields represent coordinates on a field (american football field). 0,0 (X,Y) is the starting point with the largest value and furthest away point being 145,90 (X,Y).

Each row in the table is a coordinate from the pitch.

I want to be able to measure the distance between different coordinates on the field (different rows in the database) eg. 3,9 to 15,20. I also want to be able to measure the angle between coordinates.

I looked the spatial types etc in SQL Server but its seems to me that is related to Latitude, Longitude.

Is there any way in SQL Server that can I set such up in SQL with a custom map to measure between custom points, angles etc?


  • You can use the Geometry type.

    Here's some quick examples.

    Use a derived column to create a Point:

    CREATE TABLE #Test (
      X INT,
      Y INT,
    INSERT INTO #Test( X, Y) VALUES (3, 9),(15,20)

    If you want to view your points in SSMS adding a buffer can make things easier to see:

    SELECT *,POINT.STBuffer(5) Pt FROM #Test

    Distance is simple (say from the origin):

    SELECT X, Y, POINT.STDistance(GEOMETRY::STGeomFromText('POINT(0 0)',0)) DistFromOrigin FROM #Test
    X           Y           DistFromOrigin
    ----------- ----------- ----------------------
    3           9           9.48683298050514
    15          20          25

    Between any two points is just a matter of selecting the points and doing


    And for angles, this function should work fine when changed to the Geometry type

    Determining cardinal (compass) direction between points