In ionic2
how to set the first ion-segment-button
in ion-segment
to be in active state
? I have tried to do it by providing the active class
to the ion-segment-button
like :
<div padding>
<ion-segment [(ngModel)]="home_tabs">
<ion-segment-button class="segment-button segment-activated" value="A">A
<ion-segment-button value="B">B
But this didn't work. I want to make the first ion-segment-button
to be inactive state and corresponding,
<ion-list *ngSwitchWhen="'A'" ></ion-list>
to be in active state. How to do this?
This should be helpful:
Also, if you dont have a value for home_tabs at the beginning than the ion-segment component will not know what exactly you want. To solve this you can make home_tabs = 'A' by default on the constructor so the first button will always be active
This is in your component:
export class SegmentPage {
constructor() { = "puppies";
This is in your html:
<ion-segment [(ngModel)]="pet">
<ion-segment-button value="puppies">
<ion-segment-button value="kittens">
<ion-segment-button value="ducklings">
You can see ngModel is pet, and in the constructor it is setting pet to be "puppies" so the ion-segment component will make the button that has value 'puppies' the active ion-segment-button