I want to clear the cache from the controller. I have defined the command as a service and call it.
class: Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command\CacheClearCommand
- [setContainer, ["@service_container"] ]
In my controller I have a form to choose a command, and when the cache-clearing command is chosen it runs:
$clearCacheCommand = $this->container->get('clear_cache_command_service');
$clearCacheCommand->run(new ArrayInput(array()), new ConsoleOutput());
This however runs for a while, since it also warms up the cache (I actually want it to also warm it up). It also times out so I need to set_time_limit
it, too.
Is there a way to return a response in the browser and let the command run and finish on the server? I don't want the client to keep waiting for it to finish.
I found a way to do it. This will immediately return a response and have the command run in background. Not sure how much of a bad practice it is.
* @Service("background_command_runner")
class BackgroundCommandRunner
private $kernelDir;
* @InjectParams({
* "kernelDir" = @Inject("%kernel.root_dir%")
* })
public function __construct($kernelDir)
$this->kernelDir = $kernelDir;
public function run($cmd)
$path = $this->kernelDir . '\console ';
$fullCmd = "php " . $path . $cmd;
if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == "Windows") {
pclose(popen("start /B " . $fullCmd, "r"));
} else {
exec($fullCmd . " >> logs/theme.log &");
public function clearCache($env = "dev", $warm = true)
$toWarm = $warm ? "" : " --no-warmup";
$cmd = "cache:clear " . "--env=" . $env . $toWarm;