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AEM 6.1: How to get the warning icon in a cq:dialog

AEM 6.1: How to get the warning icon in a cq:dialog. Is it some xtype that would help? If it were a pop up then,{ "icon":CQ.Ext.MessageBox.WARNIN, }) helps but for "cq:Dialog", How should one **

Display the warning icon

With the warning message in a cq:dialog.

"jcr:primaryType": "cq:Dialog",
        "height": 240,
        "title":CQ.I18n.getMessage("Activate Later"),
        "id": CQ.Util.createId("cq-activate-later-dialog"),
        "params": {
        "items": {
            "jcr:primaryType": "cq:Panel",
            "items": {
                "jcr:primaryType": "cq:WidgetCollection",
                **"warnMsg": {
                    "xtype": "displayfield",
                    "html":CQ.I18n.getMessage("my warning message here."),
                "absTime": {
                    "xtype": "datetime",
                    "fieldLabel":CQ.I18n.getMessage("Activation Date"),
                    "allowBlank": false


  • This code removes the text from wrapping around the icon displayed

     "warnMsg": {
                            "xtype": "dialogfieldset",                            
                             "html": "<div><img style='float:left; padding-right:10px' src='/libs/cq/ui/widgets/themes/default/ext/window/icon-warning.gif'></div><div style='font-size:12px; margin-left: 40px;'> Your text here</div>",                    