For server rebuild, I want to skip some section of my cookbook according to the results of a previous run.
For instance, we have a resource to start Weblogic servers.
weblogic_server "server_name" do
action :start
These startups take a lot of time during the build. I want to skip this if it was run succesfully in the last build, to avoid having to wait too much for the rebuild. Something like this:
weblogic_server "server_name" do
action :start
not_if { it_was_run_successfully_during_the_previous_run }
I know the best way to do it would be have script checking on weblogic servers status, but that's up to another team and I need a temporary solution.
I thought about a logfile in JSON format referencing the different steps of the build.
"provisioning" : true,
"start_weblogic_servers : true,
"configuring_ohs" : false
In this case I would have a template resource for this logfile and then update the values during the run. Then in every run I would check this file first and skip the right section according to the values I find.
Is there a better way to go ?
Nabeel Amjad solution worked for me. Follow these steps:
Create a file
resource with action :nothing
file '/tmp/logfile' do
action: nothing
Set your resource to notify the file
resource after running
weblogic_server 'server_name' do
action :start
notifies :create, 'file[/tmp/logfile]', :immediately
Add a guard not_if
that will skip future execution of this resource if the file exists on the server
weblogic_server 'server_name' do
action :start
notifies :create, 'file[/tmp/logfile]', :immediately
not_if { ::File.exist?('/tmp/logfile') }