I have two tables in SQL Server i.e.
one table is GraphNodes
id | Node_ID | Node | Node_Label | Node_Type
1 677 Nuno Vasconcelos Author 1
2 1359 Peng Shi Author 1
3 6242 Z. Q. Shi Author 1
4 8318 Kiyoung Choi Author 1
5 12405 Johan A. K. Author 1
6 26615 Tzung-Pei Hong Author 1
7 30559 Luca Benini Author 1
and other table is GraphEdges
id | Source_Node | Source_Node_Type | Target_Node | Target_Node_Type | Year | Edge_Type
1 1 1 10965 2 2005 1
2 1 1 10179 2 2007 1
3 1 1 10965 2 2007 1
4 1 1 19741 2 2007 1
5 1 1 10965 2 2009 1
6 1 1 4816 2 2011 1
7 1 1 5155 2 2011 1
I also have two tables i.e. GraphNodeTypes
id | Node | Node_Type
1 Author 1
2 CoAuthor 2
3 Venue 3
4 Paper 4
and GraphEdgeTypes
id | Edge | Edge_Type
1 AuthorCoAuthor 1
2 CoAuthorVenue 2
3 AuthorVenue 3
4 PaperVenue 4
5 AuthorPaper 5
6 CoAuthorPaper 6
Now, I want to calculate clustering coefficient for this graph i.e of two types:
If N(V) is # of links b/w neighbors of node V and K(V) is degree of node V then,
Local Clustering Coefficient(V) = 2 * N(V)/K(V) [K(V) - 1]
Global Clustering Coefficient = 3 * # of Triangles / # of connected Triplets of V
The questions is, how can I calculate degree of a node? Is it possible in SQL Server or C# programming required. And also please suggest hints for calculating Local and Global CCs as well.
The degree of a node is not "calculated". It's simply the number of edges this node has.
While you can try to do this in SQL, the performance will likely be mediocre. Such type of analysis is commonly done in specialized databases and, if possible, in memory.