I use SwiftLocation for get coordinates:
try! SwiftLocation.shared.currentLocation(Accuracy.House, timeout: 20, onSuccess: { (location) -> Void in
}) { (error) -> Void in
print("something went wrong")
In location?.description I get it:
<+37.78583400,-122.40641700> +/- 5.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 2/22/16, 6:35:55 PM Indochina Time
And I need to take just coordinates. So I make loop for it:
while name.characters.last != ">" { // delete all after ">"
name = String(name.characters.dropLast())
name = String(name.characters.dropLast()) // delete ">"
name = String(name.characters.dropFirst()) // delete "<"
name = String(name.characters.dropFirst()) // delete "+"
print(name) // get 37.78583400,-122.40641700
tempMyLat = name
while tempMyLat.characters.last != "," { // delete all after ","
tempMyLat = String(tempMyLat.characters.dropLast())
tempMyLon = name
while tempMyLon.characters.first != "," { // delete all before ","
tempMyLon = String(tempMyLon.characters.dropFirst())
tempMyLon = String(tempMyLon.characters.dropFirst()) // delete ","
But this code work ONLY for string. When I get location?.description - I can't convert it for type - string, because "location" is a CLLocation type.
So, my question: How convert location?.description to String ? or how get only coordinates from the SwiftLocation
If you want to get locations from CLLocation you dont need to convert string from CLLocation object. you can get locations directly from CLLocation object. Here is an example :
var locationObj = locationArray.lastObject as CLLocation
var coord = locationObj.coordinate
var longitude = coord.longitude //Latitude & Longitude as String
var latitude = coord.latitude