I want to extract all the 7z
files in the folder and subfolder using the batch below.
for /F %%I IN ('dir /b /s *.7z ') DO (
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zG.exe" x -o"%%~dpI" "%%I"
But if the folder path with a space between, the batch is not working.
|-- a
|-- 1.7z
|-- b c
|-- 2.7z
The 2.7z
in the folder b c
will not be extracted.
Can I know how to ignore the space?
for /F "DELIMS=" %%I IN ('dir /b /s *.7z ') DO (
Turns off delimiters. By default, space is a delimiter, so %%I
is set to (the string up to the first delimiter)