I'm trying to pass a ViewBag
data from my controller to my View, if i put the Viewbag
on a Html.DropDownList
I get the correct values but if I use <input value="@ViewBag.Group" />
I only get "System.Web.Mvc.SelectList"
Why am I not getting the value of my viewbag
This is my controller ViewBag:
public ActionResult Index(string Selected)
List<string> listadesumas = new List<string>();
var db = new PosContext();
foreach (var item in db.Pos)
var grupos = new SelectList(listadesumas.ToList());
ViewBag.Group = grupos;
return View("~/Views/HomePos/Index.cshtml",db.Pos.ToList());
and my Input From View:
<input value="@ViewBag.Group" />
what am i doing wrong?
var group = (SelectList)ViewBag.Group
@foreach(var item in group)
<option value='@item'>@item</option>