I made a leaflet map with the leaflet R-package.
This is what the result looks like:
I am very happy with it, but when I embed it into a website and scroll down the article with my laptop I often accidentally zoom out of the map which then looks like this:
The user have to zoom back in too have a look at the intersteing part of the map which really annoys me.
Is there a way to freeze the part of the map like you can zoom in as usual but can't zoom out more than like on the image? I tried setting the View in my code but you still can zoom out so I deleted that part.
mymap <- leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldGrayCanvas") %>%
addPolygons(data = dortmund,
fillColor = ~palette(student1$Anteil), ## we want the polygon filled with
## one of the palette-colors
## according to the value in student1$Anteil
fillOpacity = 0.6, ## how transparent do you want the polygon to be?
color = "darkgrey", ## color of borders between districts
weight = 1.5, ## width of borders
popup = popup1, ## which popup?
group="<span style='color: #7f0000; font-size: 11pt'><strong>2000</strong></span>")%>%
## which group?
## the group's name has to be the same as later in "baseGroups", where we define
## the groups for the Layerscontrol. Because for this layer I wanted a specific
## color and size, the group name includes some font arguments.
## for the second layer we mix things up a little bit, so you'll see the difference in the map!
addPolygons(data = dortmund,
fillColor = ~palette(student2$Anteil),
fillOpacity = 0.2,
color = "white",
weight = 2.0,
popup = popup2,
baseGroups = c("<span style='color: #7f0000; font-size: 11pt'><strong>2000</strong></span>", ## group 1
"2014" ## group 2
options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE))%>% ## we want our control to be seen right away
addLegend(position = 'topleft', ## choose bottomleft, bottomright, topleft or topright
colors = c('#fee0d2',
labels = c('0%',"","","","","","",'26%'), ## legend labels (only min and max)
opacity = 0.6, ##transparency
title = "relative<br>amount") ## title of the legend
Forgive my bad english skills. If it's important to answer my question, full code's here: http://journocode.com/2016/01/28/your-first-choropleth-map/.
Thank you very much
Replace your addProviderTiles with the following (set whatever zoom levels you want for max and min:
options = providerTileOptions(minZoom=10, maxZoom=18))