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Bulk removal of Edges on Titan 1.0

I have a long list of edge IDs (about 12 billion) that I am willing to remove from my Titan graph (which is hosted on an HBase backend).

How can I do it quickly and efficiently?

I tried removing the edges via Gremlin, but that is too slow for that amount of edges.

Is it possible to directly perform Delete commands on HBase? How can I do it? (How do I assemble the Key to delete?)



  • After two days of research, I came up with a solution.

    The main purpose - given a very large collection of string edgeIds, implementing a logics which removes them from the graph - The implementation has to support a removal of billions of edges, so it must be efficient in memory and time.

    Direct usage of Titan is disqualified, since Titan performs a lot of unnecessary instantiations which are redundant -- generally, we don't want to load the edges, we just want to remove them from HBase.

     * Deletes the given edge IDs, by splitting it to chunks of 100,000
     * @param edgeIds Collection of edge IDs to delete
     * @throws IOException
    public static void deleteEdges(Iterator<String> edgeIds) throws IOException {
        IDManager idManager = new IDManager(NumberUtil.getPowerOf2(GraphDatabaseConfiguration.CLUSTER_MAX_PARTITIONS.getDefaultValue()));
        byte[] columnFamilyName = "e".getBytes(); // 'e' is your edgestore column-family name
        long deletionTimestamp =  System.currentTimeMillis();
        int chunkSize = 100000; // Will contact HBase only once per 100,000 records two deletes (=> 50,000 edges, since each edge is removed one time as IN and one time as OUT)
        org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration config = new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration();
        config.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", "YOUR-ZOOKEEPER-HOSTNAME");
        config.set("hbase.table", "YOUR-HBASE-TABLE");
        List<Delete> deletions = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(chunkSize);
        Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(config);
        Table table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(config.get("hbase.table")));
        Iterators.partition(edgeIds, chunkSize)
                .forEachRemaining(edgeIdsChunk -> deleteEdgesChunk(edgeIdsChunk, deletions, table, idManager,
                        columnFamilyName, deletionTimestamp));
     * Given a collection of edge IDs, and a list of Delete object (that is cleared on entrance),
     * creates two Delete objects for each edge (one for IN and one for OUT),
     * and deletes it via the given Table instance
    public static void deleteEdgesChunk(List<String> edgeIds, List<Delete> deletions, Table table, IDManager idManager,
                                        byte[] columnFamilyName, long deletionTimestamp) {
        for (String edgeId : edgeIds)
            RelationIdentifier identifier = RelationIdentifier.parse(edgeId);
            deletions.add(createEdgeDelete(idManager, columnFamilyName, deletionTimestamp, identifier.getRelationId(),
                    identifier.getTypeId(), identifier.getInVertexId(), identifier.getOutVertexId(),
            deletions.add(createEdgeDelete(idManager, columnFamilyName, deletionTimestamp, identifier.getRelationId(),
                    identifier.getTypeId(), identifier.getOutVertexId(), identifier.getInVertexId(),
        try {
        catch (IOException e)
            logger.error("Failed to delete a chunk due to inner exception: " + e);
     * Creates an HBase Delete object for a specific edge
     * @return HBase Delete object to be used against HBase
    private static Delete createEdgeDelete(IDManager idManager, byte[] columnFamilyName, long deletionTimestamp,
                                           long relationId, long typeId, long vertexId, long otherVertexId,
                                           IDHandler.DirectionID directionID) {
        byte[] vertexKey = idManager.getKey(vertexId).getBytes(0, 8); // Size of a long
        byte[] edgeQualifier = makeQualifier(relationId, otherVertexId, directionID, typeId);
        return new Delete(vertexKey)
                .addColumn(columnFamilyName, edgeQualifier, deletionTimestamp);
     * Cell Qualifier for a specific edge
    private static byte[] makeQualifier(long relationId, long otherVertexId, IDHandler.DirectionID directionID, long typeId) {
        WriteBuffer out = new WriteByteBuffer(32); // Default length of array is 32, feel free to increase
        IDHandler.writeRelationType(out, typeId, directionID, false);
        VariableLong.writePositiveBackward(out, otherVertexId);
        VariableLong.writePositiveBackward(out, relationId);
        return out.getStaticBuffer().getBytes(0, out.getPosition());

    Keep in mind that I do not consider System Types and so -- I assume that the given edge IDs are user-edges.

    Using this implementation I was able to remove 20 million edges in about 2 minutes.