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Convert To Unicode from CP1251 in C#

I have big data that contains russian text

"Ìèíàñÿí Ðóäèê Ñàðêèñîâ"

i need to convert it in to UNICODE in C#

"Минасян Рудик Саркисов"

how to convert it?


  • If it is really 1251, then the code is:

    var enc1251 = Encoding.GetEncoding(1251);
    var enc8859 = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1");
    string str = "Ìèíàñÿí Ðóäèê Ñàðêèñîâ";
    byte[] bytes = enc8859.GetBytes(str);
    string str2 = enc1251.GetString(bytes);

    The Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1").GetBytes(str) returns the "original" (unprocessed) byte[] array, that I then decode with the CP1251.

    I'm adding a little program to "solve" this type of problems. Note that this is a .NET Framework program, not a .NET Core program, because .NET Core has a problem with Encoding.GetEncodings. This program will search for encodings that can be used to fix problems with wrongly encoded text. It will show a list of candidate encodings that can encode/decode the full text given, and then will try to match them.

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
            var encodings = Encoding.GetEncodings();
            Console.WriteLine($"Testing {encodings.Length} encodings");
            string from = "Ìèíàñÿí Ðóäèê Ñàðêèñîâ"; // "Єюээ";
            string to = "Минасян Рудик Саркисов"; // "тонн";
            var encodingsFrom = new List<(string Hex, Encoding Encoding)>();
            var encodingsTo = new List<(string Hex, Encoding Encoding)>();
            var stringPlusEncodings = new[]
                new { Str = from, Encodings = encodingsFrom },
                new { Str = to, Encodings = encodingsTo },
            foreach (var stringPlusEncoding in stringPlusEncodings)
                foreach (var info in encodings)
                    var enc = info.GetEncoding();
                    bool unicodeEncoding = enc.BodyName.StartsWith("utf-");
                    if (!enc.IsSingleByte && !unicodeEncoding)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Skipped {enc.BodyName}");
                    enc = (Encoding)enc.Clone();
                    // We replace unknown characters with easy-to-find code 0
                    // Note that this is useless for encodings that map all the characters
                    // and use the 0 for something else (like utf-16 and utf-32)
                    enc.EncoderFallback = new EncoderReplacementFallback("\0");
                    var bytes = enc.GetBytes(stringPlusEncoding.Str);
                    if (!unicodeEncoding && (bytes.Length == 0 || bytes.Any(x => x == 0)))
                    // Write in hex format
                    string encodedHex = string.Join(" ", bytes.Select(x => x.ToString("x2")));
                    Console.WriteLine($"{encodedHex} {enc.HeaderName}");
                    stringPlusEncoding.Encodings.Add((encodedHex, enc));
            foreach (var encodingFrom in encodingsFrom)
                var encodingsTo2 = encodingsTo.Where(x => encodingFrom.Hex == x.Hex).ToArray();
                foreach (var encodingTo in encodingsTo2)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{encodingFrom.Encoding.HeaderName} -> {encodingTo.Encoding.HeaderName}");