I want to take a class I have and split it up into several little classes so it becomes easier to maintain and read. But this class that I try to split using partial
is a static class.
I saw in an example on Stackoverflow that this was possible to do but when I do it, it keeps telling me that I cannot derive from a static class as static classes must derive from object.
So I have this setup:
public static class Facade
// A few general methods that other partial facades will use
public static partial class MachineFacade : Facade
// Methods that are specifically for Machine Queries in our Database
Any pointers? I want the Facade
class to be static so that I don't have to initialize it before use.
Keep naming and modifiers consistent across files:
public static partial class Facade
// A few general methods that other partial facades will use
public static partial class Facade
// Methods that are specifically for Machine Queries in our Database