I know how to extract Caffe feats / scores using the matcaffe_demo.m
that is provided along with Caffe. However when using this file one has to provide a prototxt file that determines not only the network architecture but also the input dimensions including the batch_size
Since I'm processing the frames of videos of variable sequence lenght I need a way to use matcaffe_demo.m
along with a variable batch size.
Does anyone know how to do that?
It would probably involve changing this line from matcaffe_demo.m
% Initialize a network
net = caffe.Net(net_model, net_weights, phase);
to something that dynamically passes the current batch size needed dynamically to caffe
I ended up using the reshape
net = caffe.Net(net_model, net_weights, phase);
net.blobs('data').reshape([dim1 dim2 numChannels numFrames]);
scores = net.forward(inputData);