I've been digging at this but cannot figure this one out, here's the simple attempt I've made, I thought this was fine but it seems to still request as get....
this.request = function(url, requestData) {
return $resource(url, null, {
post : {
method : 'POST',
params : requestData || {}
Using it:
this.request('/some/api/url', {data : true}).post();
I can't seem to figure out how to get back a promise object so that I can use the repsonse data....
You want to create your resource like so:
$resource(url, null, {
post: {
method: 'POST'
And then:
function (successResponse) {
// Do whatever with response
function (failResponse) {
// Do whatever with response
This will send a POST request to url
with requestData
as the body.