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Controlling multiple cameras remotely with Sony API via router

I've got five Sony FDR-X1000 cameras and I want to control them all at the same time with my laptop using the Sony remote control API. My plan is connecting them all to a router and then connecting my device to the router and sending them post requests to start/stop recording.

Is that even possible or I can only remotely control one camera at a time?


  • This article shows how to connect multiple cameras via WPS. I have not tried it myself but maybe it will help.

    1.Put the QX1s into multi camera mode. To do this, tap the Wi-Fi button under the battery cover until the LCD has a block next to the multi camera mode indicator.

    2.Put the router into WPS pushbutton pairing mode.

    3.To pair each camera, push and hold the Wi-Fi button until the camera beeps, or until you see an indication on the router that a device has connected. Repeat for each camera.

    4.You should now have your cameras connected to the Wi-Fi router.

    If you do this with a Wi-Fi router, you can look up the assigned IP addresses for each camera, and have your software to talk to that IP directly. Everything else works the same as with one camera.