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Get IP From Google

I'm writing an app in that needs public IP address in text only format. I'd knew there is lots of site that give you your IP in text format. But where is always a chance of being closed or getting out of service. But the Google will not ever stop! Now I want to get my ip from google searching. For example if you search "my ip" in google it will bring your ip like this: Sample of search Is anyway to get IP from Google?


  • Thanks guys but I found a way: At first import some namespaces:

    Imports System.Net
    Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

    Now lets write a function:

    Dim client As New WebClient
    Dim To_Match As String = "<div class=""_h4c _rGd vk_h"">(.*)"
    Dim recived As String = client.DownloadString("")
    Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(recived, To_Match)
    Dim text_with_divs As String = m.Groups(1).Value
    Dim finalize As String() = text_with_divs.Split("<")
    Return finalize(0)

    It's now working and live!