I would like to keep a counter for every time a particular value comes up in the list I am scanning.
For example: list:
[(a, 0.2), (b, 1), (a, 0.2), (a, 1)]
I would like a dictionary that can show the following:
mydict = {"a": (# val below 1, # val equal to 1), ...}
mydict = {"a": (2, 1), "b" :(0, 1)}
Is there a way to do this with a default dictionary or normal dictionary?
Should I do something like:
for every value I see either below or equal to 1?
OK, assuming the type of input is an array of arrays and you can store the results as an array in your dictionary, here is how it could be done.
# Define list of numbers
lettersNumbersList = [["a", 0.2], ["b", 1], ["a", 0.2], ["a", 1]]
# Here is the dictionary you will populate.
numberOccurences = {}
# This function is used to increment the numbers depending on if they are less
# than or greater than one.
def incrementNumber(letter, number):
countingArray = numberOccurences[letter]
if number < 1:
countingArray[0] = countingArray[0] + 1
elif number >= 1:
countingArray[1] = countingArray[1] + 1
# Loops through all of the list, gets the number and letter from it. If the letter
# is already in the dictionary then increments the counters. Otherwise starts
# both from zero.
for item in lettersNumbersList:
letter = item[0]
number = item[1]
if letter in numberOccurences:
numberOccurences[letter] = incrementNumber(letter, number)
numberOccurences[letter] = [0, 0]
numberOccurences[letter] = incrementNumber(letter, number)