I have an app that the user saves a location and set the radius to be notified about it: 1KM, 5KM (the user will recive a notification if the location he saved earlier and he's current location in in the setted radius) and "City" (the user will recive a notification if the city of the location he saved earlier and the city where he currently is are the same city).
Note: I'm using Google Maps iOS SDK
I have a method called -sendNotificationIfNeeded
that checks if to send a notification, code:
if (self.muteEnabled==YES) { //Check if the user muted the app
NSLog(@"Mute enabled");
//Important part:
if([self checkIfUserInRadiusForLocation:[self.savedLocations objectAtIndex:0]])
UILocalNotification *notification=[self createNotification];
[self sendNotification:notification];
The method checkIfUserInRadiusForLocation
check the radius of the savedLocation
) and checks if the user is inside this radius, code:
if(location.radiusString isEqualToString:@“1KM”)
if(location.circularRegion containsCoordinate:self.locationManager.location.coordinate)
return YES;
}else if(location.radiusString isEqualToString:@“5KM”)
if(location.circularRegion containsCoordinate:self.locationManager.location.coordinate)
return YES;
//Important part:
}else if(location.radiusString isEqualToString:@“City”)
if([self checkIfUserCityIsSameToLocation:location)
return YES;
return NO;
The method checkIfUserCityIsSameToLocation:
finds the savedLocation
city and the user's location city and checks if they're equals (the problem is here), code:
//Checking user's city
__block NSString *userCity;
[[GMSGeocoder geocoder]reverseGeocodeCoordinate:self.locationManager.location.coordinate completionHandler:^(GMSReverseGeocodeResponse *response, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"%@",[error description]);
userCity=[[[response results] firstObject] locality];
//Checking savedLocation’s city
__block NSString *savedLocationCity;
[[GMSGeocoder geocoder]reverseGeocodeCoordinate:location.circularRegion.center completionHandler:^(GMSReverseGeocodeResponse *response, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"%@",[error description]);
savedLocationCity=[[[response results] firstObject] locality];
if ([userCity isEqualToString:savedLocationCity]) { //Both string cities are nil
Return YES;
Return No
The problem is that when the app reaching the if
statment on checkIfUserCityIsSameToLocation:
both userCity
and savedLocationCity
are nil (becuase reverseGeocodeCoordinate: completionHandler:
method is running on a background thread).
I can't figure out how to solve it,
I'll really appriciate if someone will help me with this.
Thank you very much!
Do it like this:
-(BOOL)checkIfUserInRadiusForLocation:(SavedLocation*)location userCity: (NSString *) userCity locationCity: (NSString *) locationCity
if(location.radiusString isEqualToString:@“1KM”)
if(location.circularRegion containsCoordinate:self.locationManager.location.coordinate)
return YES;
}else if(location.radiusString isEqualToString:@“5KM”)
if(location.circularRegion containsCoordinate:self.locationManager.location.coordinate)
return YES;
//Important part:
}else if(location.radiusString isEqualToString:@“City”)
if([userCity isEqual: locationCity])
return YES;
return NO;
if (self.muteEnabled==YES) { //Check if the user muted the app
NSLog(@"Mute enabled");
SavedLocation* location = [self.savedLocations objectAtIndex:0];
[[GMSGeocoder geocoder]reverseGeocodeCoordinate:self.locationManager.location.coordinate completionHandler:^(GMSReverseGeocodeResponse *response, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"%@",[error description]);
NSString *userCity=[[[response results] firstObject] locality];
[[GMSGeocoder geocoder]reverseGeocodeCoordinate:location.circularRegion.center completionHandler:^(GMSReverseGeocodeResponse *response, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"%@",[error description]);
NSString *savedLocationCity=[[[response results] firstObject] locality];
if([self checkIfUserInRadiusForLocation:location userCity: userCity locationCity: savedLocationCity])
UILocalNotification *notification=[self createNotification];
[self sendNotification:notification];