I have a simple XML response from third-party API.
Let's say it looks like
<item name="name1"/>
<item name="name2"/>
<item name="name3"/>
Having a case classes
case class Items(children: List[Item])
case class Item(name: String)
How can I write unmarshaller to use implicitly which will work with code like this:
Unmarshal(myXmlString).to[Items].map ...
Or better
Unmarshal(myXmlString).to[List[Item]].map ...
Can I do it without defining any unmarshal functions which explicitly access XML? Data I already have looks declarative enough have unmarshalling without additional boilerplate.
scala-xml doesn't provide any deserializer to hydrate your custom objects. If the requirement is simple as mentioned in the sample example, you can try something like this below:
scala> val itemsString = "<items><item name='name1'/><item name='name2'/><item name='name3'/></items>"
scala> val itemsXml = scala.xml.XML.loadString(itemsString)
scala> val items = Items(( itemsXml \\ "@name").toList.map(( x=> Item(x.toString)) )) │