I have built an application with a navbar on the left, whose main content is a ViewPager
The ViewPager slides between two different views.
When the user selects something from the navgation bar, I send a message to the ViewPager's adapter (I have tried both FragmentPagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapter for this, both won't work) which sets an internal variable and calls notifyDatasetChanged();
The problem is that the getCount() method always returns 2 , so when the adapter checks to see if the dataset has changed, it sees that the items are still 2 and does not go on to call getItem(position).
The getItem(position) returns different fragments according to the value of the internal variable that is set before notifyDatasetChanged();
I tried overriding getItemId(position) in case the pager checks for the id, but it seems to not bother after checking the count.
Is there a way to force the adapter to rebuild the fragments when notifyDatasetChanged() is called?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide
Edit: here is the code I am currently using:
public class ContentAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
private ViewedSection _section = ViewedSection.Main;
public ContentAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
ViewedScreen screen = get_screen(position);
return screen == null ? null : FragmentFactory.GetFragment(get_screen(position));
public int getCount() {
return 2;
private ViewedScreen get_screen(int position) {
//code to resolve which screen will be shown according to the current position and _section
public void set_page(ViewedSection section) {
this._section = section;
So when the user clicks on a NavBar item, I call ((ContentAdapter)_pager.getAdapter()).set_page(section);
For this, you need to override
public int getItemPosition (Object object)
if you don't want to replace the fragment. Return POSITION_NONE
if you want to replace the fragment. (Also, you can return a new position to move the fragment to.)
A common override is
public int getItemPosition (Object object) {
which will just rebuild everything.