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QCView inputKey responds to NO but crashes on YES

I have a QCView with a boolean input splitter in it. When I try and do [qcview setValue:NO forInputKey:@"showCube"]; it works as expected and the input gets set to NO. However, When I try and do [qcview setValue:YES forInputKey:@"showCube"]; I get EXC_BAD_ACCESS. I have tried using 1, YES, and TRUE and they all give the same error. Whet could be the issue causing this mysterious error?



  • setValue:forInputKey: expects value to be an object (not a scalar, which you're supplying).


     [qcview setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forInputKey:@"showCube"];


     [qcview setValue:kCFBooleanTrue forInputKey:@"showCube"];

    (A standalone scalar NO works in this case, since it evaluates to 0, equivalent to nil in Objective-C, which, under some circumstances, can receive messages without exploding. But really you should be using either the NSNumber constructor, or one of the Core Foundation constants.)