Suppose that I am writing tests for Data.Set
. I would like to check that deleting elements from the set works, and so I might write something like this:
prop_deleteA it x = member x it ==> not (member x (delete x it))
assuming that it
has a suitable Arbitrary
instance. However, this relies on quickcheck generating values of x
that happen to exist within the set, which is not in general guaranteed. It would be much better if x
could be made to depend on it
so as to guarantee that x
is already a member of it
. How might I do this?
I had the thought that I could write
prop_deleteB it f = let x = f it
in not (member x (delete x it))
where f :: Set a -> a
is suitably defined by means of coarbitrary. However, coarbitrary would only allow us to define f :: Set a -> b
, which unfortunately isn't what we want. My best thought so far has been to define a new type
data SetAndElement a = SetAndElement (Set a) a
which allows us to write a suitable Arbitrary
instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (SetAndElement a) where
arbitrary = do it <- suchThat arbitrary (not . Set.null)
x <- elements (elems it)
return (SetAndElement it x)
allowing prop_delete
to be written as
prop_deleteC (SetAndElement it x) = not (member x (delete x it))
This works, but seems a little involved; are there any better options? (If not, I'll modify the question and put this as an answer.) The actual Data.Set
implementation (containers package) tests deletion by checking that (delete x) . (insert x) == id
if x
was not already a member of the given set.
It depends on what generators you have available. For example, if you already have setOf1
(generates a Set
with at least one element) and setElements
(takes elements from a Set
), it can be written with forAll
-- example implementations of both combinators
setOf1 :: (Arbitrary a, Ord a) => Gen a -> Gen (Set a)
setOf1 = fmap fromList . listOf1
setElements :: Set a -> Gen a
setElements = elements . toList
prop_delete =
forAll (setOf1 arbitrary) $ \theSet ->
forAll (setElements theSet) $ \x ->
not (member (x :: Int) (delete x theSet))
This is mostly the same as SetAndElement
, but instead of a fixed data
type, we're using re-usable functions that can be used for further tests:
prop_null = forAll (setOf1 (arbitrary :: Gen Integer)) $ not . null
However, even if you don't write setOf1
or setElements
, forAll
can be rather succinct for simple tests:
prop_delete :: (Arbitrary a, Ord a) => (NonEmptyList a) -> Property
prop_delete (NonEmpty xs) =
let theSet = fromList xs
in forAll (elements xs) $ \x ->
not (member x (delete x theSet))
If you provide setElements
and NonEmptySet
, this can be written as
newtype NonEmptySet x = NonEmptySet {getNonEmptySet :: Set a}
instance (Ord a, Arbitray a) => Arbitrary (NonEmptySet a) where
arbitrary = fmap NonEmptySet . setOf1 $ arbitrary
prop_delete :: (Arbitrary a, Ord a) => (NonEmptySet a) -> Property
prop_delete (NonEmptySet theSet) =
forAll (setElements theSet) $ \x ->
not (member x (delete x theSet))
That way you can use NonEmptySet
for tests that require a non-empty set, and setElements
only for those where you actually need to choose an element at random.