I'm currently investigating using Mesosphere in production to run a couple of micro-services as Docker containers.
I got the DCOS deployment done and was able to successfully run one of the services. Before continuing with this approach I however also need to capture the development side (not of Mesos or Mesosphere itself but the development of the micro-services).
Are there any best practices how to run a local deployment of Mesosphere in a Vagrantbox or something similar that would enable our developers to run all the services that are in our eco-system from existing docker images and run the one service you are currently working on from a local code folder?
I already know how to link the devs code folder into a Vagrant machine and should also get the Docker part running but I'm still kind off lost on the whole Mesosphere integration part.
Is there anyone who could forward me to some resource in the Internet describing a possible solution for this? Did anyone of you do something similar and would care to share some insights on this?
Mesosphere is actively working on improving the developer experience surrounding DCOS. Part of that effort includes work on a local development cluster to aid application, service, and DCOS package developers. However, the solution is not quite ready for prime time yet. We have begun giving early access to select DCOS Enterprise Edition customers tho. If you'd like to hear more about that, please talk to your sales representative or contact sales through our web site: https://mesosphere.com/contact/
That said, there are many different tools already available that can help when developing Mesos frameworks or Marathon applications.
The two currently recommended local development options for DC/OS are: