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Deploying behind nginx

We have kerberos authentication at our nginx layer and want to connect to instances as a reverse proxy. From my reading of the docs, it looks like putting a webserver in front of instances will hamper performance. Also, there is the question of who does load balancing - usually it is at nginx layer but does seem to have inbuilt capabilities to ask other instances to handle load (via messaging)

What would be the best way to get instances play well with a web server ? It is non-trivial to re-implement kerberos authentication in Node.


  • It is possible (and a good idea) to deploy and loadbalance deepstream behind Nginx, HAProxy etc. There are a few things to be aware of though:, websockets and sticky sessions.

    Deepstream uses (the transport-layer behind to connect to browsers. uses a number of different transport mechanisms, most notably long-polling (keeping an http request open until data needs to be send) and WebSockets.

    For long-polling it is crucial that all requests from the same client are routed to the same deepstream server, so make sure that sticky/persistent sessions are enabled in your nginx upstream group (just add the ip_hash directive). For websocket it is important that the http update headers are forwarded.

    sync data / messages between your deepstream nodes

    Make sure that your deepstream nodes are connected with each other, both by a cache and message-bus. You have a choice of caches and messaging systems, but the simplest is to just use Redis for both. Have a look at the section on "What’s the simplest production-ready setup?" at the bottom of

    TCP Connections from other clients (e.g. NodeJS) is mainly used for browser clients, backend processes may directly connect via TCP. Loadbalancing TCP connections is perfectly possible with NginX, but requires an extra stream group in your configuration.