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How to accept arrays in my defined function

When I try to feed the following function an array, it gives me the following error: % Expression must be a scalar or 1 element array in this context: . How to modify such that I can either give it a scalar or array?

; return integer -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether x is less than 0, equal to 0, or greater than 0, respectively
function whatisit, x
  case 1 of
    (x lt 0): y=-1
    (x eq 0): y=0
    (x gt 0): y=1
  return, y


  • This should do it:

    function whatisit, x
      return, x gt 0 - x lt 0

    EDIT: For pedagogical reasons, I will show the ugly (untested) looping solution, but you should never do this in IDL:

    function whatisit, x
      n = n_elements(x)
      result = bytarr(n)
      for i = 0L, n - 1L do begin
        case 1 of
          x[i] lt 0: result[i] = -1
          x[i] eq 0: result[i] = 0
          x[i] gt 0: result[i] = 1
      return, size(x, /n_dimensions) eq 0 ? result[0] : result