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Why do I get an infinite digest error here?

I need to create groups of things that come as a flat array, so I can open and close grid rows using a CSS grid system.

Here's how my HTML looks:

<div ng-repeat="row in items | GroupsOf: 3" class="row">
    [show stuff]

And here's the filter I wrote to support this:

.filter('GroupsOf', function(){     
    //Takes an array of things and groups them into  
    // sub-arrays with numPerGroup things in each 
    return function(things, numPerGroup){

        var i, group = -1, groups = []          
        for(i = 0; i < things.length; i++){
            //if it's a new group:
            if(i % numPerGroup === 0){                  
        return groups//

Although things render as expected, I'm getting infinite digest error when this runs, and therefore not everything gets wired up properly. Why do I get that error, and how do I fix the filter to work w/o erring?

I'd really prefer to do this as a filter rather than grouping the data in the controller, but I'll go the later route if someone can explain to me why it's just not achievable as a filter.


  • If you wanted to use $filter in the controller( which is certainly more performant and fixes the infinite $digest loop issue) you can do :

    angular.module('myApp', [])
    .controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $filter) {
        $scope.items = [
        $scope.grouped = $filter('GroupsOf')($scope.items , 3)
    .filter('GroupsOf', function(){     
    //Takes an array of things and groups them into  
    // sub-arrays with numPerGroup things in each 
    return function(things ,numPerGroup){
        var i, group = -1, res = []          
        for(i = 0; i < things.length ; i++){
            //if it's a new group:
            if(i % numPerGroup === 0){                  
        return res
    <script src=""></script>
    <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
    <div ng-repeat="row in grouped" class="row">

    looking at the infdig documentation it seems your problem is caused by

    .. binding to a function which generates a new array every time it is called.

    that should be the reason $digest never finds a clean state.