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WebStorm JSDoc class declaration for code completion with node.js modules

I'd like to know how to correctly use JSDoc in WebStorm 11 to mark classes and types in a node.js application to get code completion etc.


file A:

function A(){
    this.b = true;
A.prototype.doSth = function doSth() {
    return !this.b;
module.export = new A(); 

file B:

var foo = bar(); // returns type of A

Now I'd like to have code completion for "foo.", so that it suggests foo.b, foo.doSth, ...

I tried a lot of JSDoc entries like @class, @constructor and used @type {A} to define type of foo like

/* @type {A} */
var foo = bar();

but WebStorm does not recognize the type A. it does no code completion and also Ctrl+Click on the type A in brackets says "Cannot find declaration to go to".

Any idea how to do this correctly?


  • Seems like I found a solution. The problem was just the Syntax I used to mark the variable type:

     * @class
    function A(){
        this.b = true;
    A.prototype.doSth = function doSth() {
        return !this.b;
    module.export = new A(); 

    Works with

     * @type {A}
    var foo = bar();

    Notice the difference in the comment syntax: Previously I tried to use

    /* @type {A} */
    var foo = bar();

    Which does not work. @class can also be exchanged with @constructor