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How to get rid of scientific notation for factor produced by cut()

How to rid of default scientific notation for factor variable? It is used by R when I have 3 or more digits in the current case.

I looked through other answers (scipen and other, format), but it seems they do not work for factor variables.

I use then this factor variable in the legend, and I need integer or fixed point values.

plot(0,0, type="l", lty=1, lwd=4);

var1 <- c(3334,341,36,341,456)
cut1 <- cut(var1, breaks=2)
cut1<-gsub(","," - ",cut1)
#cut1 <- as.character(cut1);
#formatC(cut1, digits="10", format="f")

[1] " [32.7 - 1.68e+03]" "[1.68e+03 - 3.34e+03]

And I want something like that:

[1] " [32.7 - 1680]" "[1680 - 3340]"


  • The point where you have to specify what levels you are interested in, is a cut function. So easiest way is:

    cut1 <- cut(var1, breaks=2, dig.lab = 5)
    [1] (1685,3337.3] (32.702,1685] (32.702,1685] (32.702,1685] (32.702,1685]
    Levels: (32.702,1685] (1685,3337.3]

    See ?cut for more information.