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How to inject into a BroadcastReceiver

Does someone already had to inject an already existing class, with some business logic, into a BroadcastReceiver using dagger?

I'm using dagger 1 and already found a nice example ( but, I could not find how we can add an already existing class, which belongs to a different module, into a BroadcastReceiver.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • I managed to inject use cases into my Broadcast by defining a Module which provide the use cases I need and I add the Module on the onReceive method, check the code below:

    My BroadcastReceiverModule:

    @Module(injects = { MyBroadcastReceiver.class }, addsTo = MyAppModule.class)
    public class BroadcastReceiverModule {
        @Provides @Singleton MyUtilsClass providesMyUtilsClass(MyUtilsClassImpl myUtilsClass) {
            return myUtilsClass;
        @Provides @Singleton MyUseCase providesMyUseCase(MyUseCaseImpl myUseCaseUtils) {
            return myUseCaseUtils;

    My BroadCastReceiver:

    @Inject MyUtilsClass myUtilsClass;
    @Inject MyUseCase myUseCase;
    @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
    protected List<Object> getModules() {
        List<Object> result = new ArrayList<>();
        result.add(new BroadcastReceiverModule());
        return result;