I purchased subscription addon from here, but its not working I have successfully installed it and its showing in my admin panel but when i write below code its not showing anything to me on my page.
{exp:subs:subscribe register_member="yes" plan="{segment_3}" payment_method="stripe" return="/account/subscription/%SUBS_HASH%"}
<h1>Subscribe to: {subs:plan:label}</h1>
Every <strong>{subs:plan:recurring_interval_count} {subs:plan:recurring_interval}</strong> {subs:plan:recurring_amount} {subs:plan:currency}
{if subs:total_errors}
<ul class="errors">
<h3>Credit Card</h3>
<label>Credit Card Number</label>
<input name="card_number" type="text" value="{subs:card_number}">
<label>Name on card</label>
<input name="card_name" type="text" value="{subs:card_name}">
<select name="card_exp_month">{subs:month_options}</select>
<select name="card_exp_year">{subs:year_options}</select>
<label>Security Code</label>
<input name="card_cvc" type="text" value="{subs:card_cvc}" size="5">
<button type="submit">Subscribe</button>
I used their example code you can find it here.
please help me thanks in advance.
Your page is showing blank because page is not getting {segment_3} i.e. plan i hope you have not create any plan or if created then you have not passed them as {segment_3}. To test this thing use below code it will be helpful for you.
{exp:subs:subscribe register_member="yes" plan="gold" payment_method="stripe" return="/account/"}
<h1>Subscribe to: {subs:plan:label}</h1>
Every <strong>{subs:plan:recurring_interval_count} {subs:plan:recurring_interval}</strong> {subs:plan:recurring_amount} {subs:plan:currency}
{if subs:total_errors}
<ul class="errors">
{if logged_out}
<h3>User Account</h3>
<input type="text" name="username" value="">
<input type="text" name="email" value="">
<input type="password" name="password" value="">
<label>Password Confirm</label>
<input type="password" name="password_confirm" value="">
<h3>Credit Card</h3>
<label>Credit Card Number</label>
<input name="card_number" type="text" value="{subs:card_number}">
<label>Name on card</label>
<input name="card_name" type="text" value="{subs:card_name}">
<select name="card_exp_month">{subs:month_options}</select>
<select name="card_exp_year">{subs:year_options}</select>
<label>Security Code</label>
<input name="card_cvc" type="text" value="{subs:card_cvc}" size="5">
<button type="submit">Subscribe</button>
make a plan named gold or abc whatever you want must put the same name at plan="plan_name" at the first line you can see it and remember for Visa cards it requires some more fields you may get fields error for this you have to use that fields you can find those fields on devdemon website.
enjoy !!!