I am trying to download an entire playlist using youtube-dl, this way :
youtube-dl -citwx --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 320K <playlist>
I believe it extracts the audio without having to download the actual video.
The problem is that I want to be able to stop and resume this download, which is impossible using only these arguments. However, if I add the -k
option, the program will download the original videos (which takes a lot longer), convert them, and keep the original files (which takes a lot more space).
Is there any way for me to resume such a transfer without having to download the actual video files?
I found the answer while browsing the man page :
--download-archive FILE Download only videos not listed in the
archive file. Record the IDs of all
downloaded videos in it.
youtube-dl -citwx --download-archive progress.txt --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 320K <playlist>
is the correct command.