Search code examples

How do I support AMP-html and desktop HTML simultaneously

As I understand about the amp, the amp is only for mobile devices. If I'm using responsive design, my web server provides same HTML document per page for every device.

But If I want to use the AMP, the web server should decide whether it provide HTML for desktop or it provide HTML for AMP.

How do I do that? By User-Agent?(I think it is ugly and not scalable) I missed something?


  • You should have two urls for the same content. The main article would be and the amp version :

    there's no user-agent switching for the same url. You just have to specify in the main article that you have a amp version of the document with a link tag :

    <link rel="amphtml" href="" > 

    and in the amp version specify the address of the main content with a canonical :

    <link rel="canonical" href="" >

    To answer your question, the actual "mobile detection" is sort of done in the search results page as it is google who will determine what link to show to the user.