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effective UI styling for iOS app

My question is a simple one. In android, we can separate xml stylesheet from layout so that it can be reuse everywhere and edited easily for UI design change.

Is it also possible in iOS xcode? if can how (prefer if not from controller)? need libraries? what are good libraries for that?

Thank you for your answer.


  • you can use UICategory class for UIView for that purpose. create different methods for set borders, border colors , pass bazier-paths, corner radius and so many . this is just few of them. category is of UIView so you can use on buttons,lables,textview,textedits etc;


    @interface UIView (category)
    -(void)makeToRoundEdgeWithBorder:(CGFloat )borderwidth bordecolor:(UIColor *)color;


    @implementation UIView (category)
    -(void)makeToRoundEdgeWithBorder:(CGFloat )borderwidth bordecolor:(UIColor *)color
       NSLog(@"height %f width %f",CGRectGetHeight(self.frame),CGRectGetWidth(self.frame));
        self.layer.borderColor=[color CGColor];

    Use it

    [yourlable makeToRoundEdgeWithBorder:0.0f bordercolor:[UIColor clearColor] cornerRadius:8.0f];
    [yourbutton makeToRoundEdgeWithBorder:0.0f bordercolor:[UIColor clearColor] cornerRadius:8.0f];
    [yourTextview makeToRoundEdgeWithBorder:0.0f bordercolor:[UIColor clearColor] cornerRadius:8.0f];
    [yourTextfield makeToRoundEdgeWithBorder:0.0f bordercolor:[UIColor clearColor] cornerRadius:8.0f];