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Fetch localized phone label using Contacts frameworks

I'm trying to fetch localized phone label value using CNContact.My attampt so far:

    NSError *error = nil;

    CNContactFetchRequest *fetchRequest =[[CNContactFetchRequest alloc] initWithKeysToFetch:keysToFetch];

    [addressBook enumerateContactsWithFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&error usingBlock:^(CNContact * _Nonnull contact, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {

       CNLabeledValue *phoneNumberValue = contact.phoneNumbers.firstObject;

       NSString *label = phoneNumberValue.label;
       NSLog(@"Phone Label: %@",label); //Logs value like _$!<Home>!$_

       CNPhoneNumber *phoneNumber = phoneNumberValue.value;
       NSString *phoneNumberString = phoneNumber.stringValue;

       NSLog(@"Phone No: %@",phoneNumberString);

The problem is the phone label returns raw value like _$!<Home>!$_, _$!<Mobile>!$_. But I need Plain text like Home, Mobile. Is there any way I can get the localized value using Contact frameworks. I don't want to use Addressbook as it is deprecated in iOS 9.


  • use CNLabeledValues class method + localizedStringForLabel: and pass the label


       CNLabeledValue *phoneNumberValue = contact.phoneNumbers.firstObject;
       NSString *label = phoneNumberValue.label;
       label = [CNLabeledValue localizedStringForLabel:label];
       NSLog(@"Phone Label: %@",label); //Logs value like home