I want to query MediaStore.Audio.Artists.Albums table to get albums by given artist. I successfully queried all artists names and artist id from MediaStore.Audio.Artists table but I am unable to get album_id from MediaStore.Audio.Artists.Albums table. I am getting following error :
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column 'album_id' does not exist
However column "album_id" should be present in MediaStore.Audio.Artists.Albums table as per documentation. I checked all columns from MediaStore.Audio.Artists.Albums as follows :
Uri artistAlbumsUri = MediaStore.Audio.Artists.Albums.getContentUri("external", artistId);
Cursor c = mContentResolver.query(artistAlbumsUri,null, null, null, null);
// print all column names
for(int i = 0; i < c.getColumnCount(); i++)
Log.d(TAG,"Column name:"+c.getColumnName(i));
The log output is as follows :
Column name:album_art
Column name:artist
Column name:minyear
Column name:album
Column name:artist_key
Column name:album_key
Column name:_id
Column name:numsongs_by_artist
Column name:artist
Column name:numsongs
Column name:maxyear
Notice that artist column appears twice and there is _id column instead of album_id.Is it a bug or am I missing something ?
Edit: I was testing above code on Android Marshmallow device
I tried to use "_id" column to fetch corresponding album art and it seems that it is actually an album_id column. So for others having same issue, you will have to use "_id" as the column name while querying instead of MediaStore.Audio.Artists.Albums.ALBUM_ID column which has value "album_id".