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Dynamically Creating Multiple <section> with Different Heights According to Input

I am creating <section> dynamically through a template by using Backbone.js, underscore.js, jQuery, .CSS, and HTML.

What I would like it to do is whenever a user types a value or uses the slider, information gets stored with backbone.js and then get loaded with the template below. <section> will be created with the specified height. That be said, I need to assume each <section> has different heights regardless of the content.

This is a screenshot of what I currently have with all sections having the same height

This is the template:

<script type="text/template" id="section-template">
       <section class="view">
              <label><%- height %></label>
              <label><%- color %></label>

I have tried this in jQuery but obviously it did not work because this applies to all <section>.


section {
    height: 200px;


$( "#slider" ).slider({
          range: "max",
          min: 50,
          max: 500,
          value: 300,
          slide: function( event, ui ) {
            $( "#amount" ).val( ui.value );
            $('section').css('height', ui.value);

My question is what is the best technique in creating <section> dynamically with different heights? Preferably not needing to use any plugins.

Thank you in advance.


  • I have been working on this and looking for alternatives today. However, after talking to a coworker, we have finally found a solution to my question. Here I will not explain how Model, View, and Collection will work together but simply a technique/trick to dynamically create section tags in .CSS so that each <section>can have a different height.

    First, I create a unique numerical id by having a global variable in JavaScript:

    var counter = 0;

    Whenever a user inputs a value to specify a new <section> height, the variable increases by 1 and then create a model in a function inside Backbone.View.extend():

    counter++; //1
    Sections.create({height: h, id: counter}); //create a model in Collection with the attributes where h = 500 and counter = 1 in this case

    I then write to .CSS to specify the height for this model or id='1'in this case:

    $('#section-'+counter).css('height', h);

    Which gives me this in .CSS when a model is created:

    #section-1 {
        height: 500;

    Now to the template I add id=section-<%- id %> inside <section>:

    <script type="text/template" id="section-template">
        <section class="view" id=section-<%- id %>>
              <label><%- height %></label>

    As you may have guessed, id: counter will be loaded into the template every time a model is created, giving it a unique id.

    It would look like this where height = 500 and id = 1:

    <section class="view" id="section-1">

    So when the next model (or <section>) is created where height = 1020 and id = 2, it would look like this:

    <section class="view" id="section-2">

    You can imagine now each <section> has its own height on HTML because it has a dedicated id tag and will only call the same id tag in .CSS.

    I hope this helps.