I am trying to build a web application that pulls data from SQL Server through an ASHX Handler, convert to a valid GeoJSON format, and display the markers on a leaflet map. I have the query to pull three fields from the SQLServer (Description, LAT, LONG). I have the ability to display GeoJSON data in Leaflet (from website documentation). What I can't figure out is how to successfully build GeoJSON data. Is there an easy way to build a GeoJSON Object using the Javascript Serializer, or is it a process I have to build in the hanlder.
Here is an example GeoJSON file I would like to create:
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"name": "Placemarker 1",
"marker-color": "#0000ff",
"marker-symbol": "airport"
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"name": "Placemarker 2",
"marker-color": "#FF0000",
"marker-symbol": "hospital"
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
Here is contents of an ASHX file that I have that currently build a simple JSON File:
private class DataSet
public string description { get; set; }
public double valueLat { get; set; }
public double valueLong { get; set; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
List<DataSet> listResults = new List<DataSet>();
int recordCount = 0;
// Get Connection String From WEB.CONFIG
string connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myConnStr"].ConnectionString;
// Connect And Get Data
OdbcConnection sqlConn = new OdbcConnection(connStr.ToString());
OdbcCommand sqlCmd = new OdbcCommand("{call getSampleData}", sqlConn);
OdbcDataReader rdr = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
DataSet results = new DataSet();
results.description = rdr["description"].ToString();
results.valueLat = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["lat"]);
results.valueLong = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["long"]);
catch (OdbcException o)
var result = new
iTotalRecords = recordCount,
aaData = listResults
JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
This might help you get the data into geoJson format from SQL Server https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/sqlserverstorageengine/2016/01/05/returning-spatial-data-in-geojson-format-part-1/
Edit based on comments:
You could also just loop through the "listResults" in javascript and build your geoJson manually
//listResults...this is dummy data,
//but an example of what you are currently getting from SQL
var listResults =
description:"description 1",
valueLat: 39.8282,
valueLong: -98.5795
description:"description 2",
valueLat: 38.8282,
valueLong: -97.5795
description:"description 3",
valueLat: 37.8282,
valueLong: -96.5795
//empty geoJson collection
var geoJsonData = [];
//loop through the listResults to build individual geoJson features
for (var i = 0; i < listResults.length; i++) {
var result = listResults[i];
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [result.valueLong, result.valueLat]
"properties": {
"description": result.description
Once you build the geoJson collection, you can consume it with leaflet.