I can send a put-request with a header with ngResource. My FactoryService looks like this:
.module("playersServicesModule", ["ngResource", "config"])
.factory("playersService", ["$resource", "API_ROOT",
function ($resource, API_ROOT) {
"use strict";
var url = API_ROOT + "/api/footballplayers";
return {
updateFootballPlayer: function (id, column, newValue) {
return $resource(url + '/:Id', { Id: id },
"update": {
method: 'PUT', headers: {
"Column": column,
"NewValue": newValue
How can i add data to the body of the put-request?
A suggested update to your factory would be the following:
.module("playersServicesModule", ["ngResource", "config"])
.factory("playersService", ["$resource", "API_ROOT",
function ($resource, API_ROOT) {
"use strict";
var url = API_ROOT + "/api/footballplayers";
var myResource = $resource(url + '/:Id',
{ Id: '@id },
"update": {
method: 'PUT'
return {
updateFootballPlayer: function (id, column, newValue) {
return myResource.update(
{Id: id},
column: column,
newValue: newValue
function (successResponse) {
// Do something on success
function (failResponse) {
// Do something on fail
You add data to the body when you perform the actual request e.g.
$resource(url + '/:Id', { Id: id },
"update": {
method: 'PUT',
headers: {
"Column": column,
"NewValue": newValue
function (successResponse) {},
function (failResponse) {}
Your object to pass as body data will replace the <BODY_OBJECT>