I have a simple SSRS report that's composed of two section: the details section and the header section. The header has a title and the detail has the stored procedure resultset.
The report calls stored procedure dbo.usp_GetChanges that looks something like this:
create procedure dbo.usp_GetChanges
declare @Date int
select top 1 @Date = datekey
from DatesProcessed order by DatesProcessedid desc
select RunDate, OldName, NewName from EmployeeLog
where RunDate = @Date
If the last rundate is 20150215, then the result looks like this:
20150215 Joe John
20150215 Mary Marie
20150215 Bob Bobo
For the SSRS header, I use the SP's resultset to populate the title. So the title for that day's report is: Changes for 20150215
But let's say that at the moment the report's run, no changes were made, so the SP doesn't return anything. Is is possible to return @Date with that same stored procedure?
I know there are several ways to fix the issue (ie. subreports, another SP, etc); I'm looking for a solution that can be integrated into this stored procedure.
I was considering adding an OUTPUT variable to the SP (ie. @Date datetime OUTPUT
) but SSRS interprets that as an input parameter. I tried hiding it in SSRS, but it asks me for the parameter value, even though it's not used for that.
In the stored procedure check if the select is returning rows. If so return the selected rows otherwise select the date.
select RunDate, OldName, NewName from EmployeeLog
where RunDate = @Date)
select @Date RunDate
select RunDate, OldName, NewName from EmployeeLog
where RunDate = @Date)
Let me know if this helps