I have the following code:
print "We're going to write to a file you'll be prompted for"
targetfile = raw_input('Enter a filename: ')
targetfilefound = open('targetfile' , 'w')
print "What do we write in this file?"
targetfilefound.write("hello this is working!")
The script I'm creating should be able to write to a file that the user defines via raw_input. The above could be faulty at core, open to suggestions.
Judging by the stuff the script is printing you probably want the user to input what should be printed to the file so:
print "We're going to write to a file you'll be prompted for"
targetfile = raw_input('Enter a filename: ')
targetfilefound = open(targetfile , 'w')
print "What do we write in this file?"
Note: This method will create the new file if it does not exist. If you want to check whether the file exists you can use the os module, something like this:
import os
print "We're going to write to a file you'll be prompted for"
targetfile = raw_input('Enter a filename: ')
if os.path.isfile(targetfile) == True:
targetfilefound = open(targetfile , 'w')
print "What do we write in this file?"
print "File does not exist, do you want to create it? (Y/n)"
action = raw_input('> ')
if action == 'Y' or action == 'y':
targetfilefound = open(targetfile , 'w')
print "What do we write in this file?"
print "No action taken"