object HydraTable extends Enumeration {
val UserTable, MpesaTable, ChequeTable, PaypalTable = Value
matchTable.tableType match {
case HydraTable.UserTable.toString =>
// do somet
case HydraTable.MpesaTable.toString =>
// do somet
// returns error below
This returns an error on case -> HydraQueueWorker.scala:58: stable identifier required, but HydraTable.MpesaTable.toString found.
Are the values not stable identifiers?
The toString
is a method and its invocation can yield a different value each time : you can easily create a case class and override the toString
to return the string value of a random integer
If you look at the toString
definition you see it's a method (and a non final one)
abstract class Enumeration (initial: Int) extends Serializable {
thisenum =>
def this() = this(0)
/* Note that `readResolve` cannot be private, since otherwise
the JVM does not invoke it when deserializing subclasses. */
protected def readResolve(): AnyRef = thisenum.getClass.getField(MODULE_INSTANCE_NAME).get(null)
/** The name of this enumeration.
override def toString =
((getClass.getName stripSuffix MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING split '.').last split
So you can create your enumeration, override it and return a random value.