I am trying to query a collection using the filter expression from my radgrid. On the RadGrid I have the property of EnableLinqExpressions = "false"
However I get the exception Expression Expected
when using the code:
results = results.Where(filterExpression);
At the moment the filter expression is in the format
"(([SCRIPT_AGENT] = 'Jack Davies'))"
How can I solve this issue?
When I enter the following it works:
results = results.Where("SCRIPT_AGENT == @0", "Jack Davies")
Is there anyway to use my current filter expression or is there someway to convert it into a usable format?
Instead of using the filter expression of the rad grid I decided to use a different approach and use the current data in the rad grid itself when a filter is applied:
// If there is a filter applied then enter the loop if there isn't then the filter expression will be empty
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filterExpression))
// Create a new list of strings to hold the sequence ids
List<string> sequenceIds = new List<string>();
// For each row in the radgrid...
foreach (GridDataItem row in rgCallRecordings.Items) // loops through each rows in RadGrid
// ...Add the sequence id to the list
// Only return results whose sequence ids are in the list
results = results.Where(a => sequenceIds.Contains(a.SEQUENCE_ID));
This eliminated the error and produced the same results as using the filter expressions.