I have this setup in my Orgmode doc and it doesnt export the author affiliations to latex or pdf. Instead I get a heuristic 'immediate' in place of authors I have added Latex to Org -babel-Load languages in .emacs What must be done to allow babel to evaluate Latex code blocks? Is there a hyperef setup that I must change?
#+Title: Multiple Author affiliations in OrgMode Latex export
#+date: 11 Feb 2016
#+latex_class: article
#+latex_class_options: [a4paper]
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
#+OPTIONS: author:nil
#+latex_header: \usepackage{float}
#+latex_header: \usepackage{graphicx}
#+latex_header: \usepackage{authblk}
\author[1]{Author One}
\author[1]{Author TwoTwo}
\author[1]{Author TwoTwoo}
\author[1,2]{Author TwoTwooo}
\author[1]{Author Three}
\author[1]{Author TwoTw}
\author[1]{Author Four}
\author[1]{Author Fourrr}
\author[2]{Author Fourrrr}
\author[2]{Author Twenty}
\affil[1]{Guided Therapeutics Centre}
\affil[2]{Division of theatre}
I get this pdf
I got this reply today from the org-mode mailing list which had the right solution On Thursday, 18 Feb 2016 at 10:05, Prakash Nayak wrote:
I have this setup in my Orgmode doc and it doesn't export the author affiliations to latex or pdf.
I've never used authblk but I would imagine that you are expected to define the authors before the \begin{document} line in the generated LaTeX. Using a latex block (and, by the way, depending on the version of org you are using, the syntax for these has changed), you will be generating LaTeX which will appear after the beginning of the document.
I think you want to put each of the \author and \affil lines in the header:
#+latex_header: \author[1]{Author One}
#+latex_header: \affil[1]{Guided Therapeutics Centre}
Give this a try.