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where does p:insert() install the pipeline?

I have an XQuery function which I am using to install a CPF pipeline programatically. I am testing this by executing the function call from the Query console, where my content source is set to the content db which has CPF enabled.

I was executing the following to troubleshoot what is going on. $processsed_pipline_config contains the pipeline config XML. The return returns only the pipeline that was inserted, so it looks to me like the pipeline is being inserted into a db that only has a single pipeline?

let $pipeline_id := p:insert($processed_pipeline_config)

  for $pipeline in p:pipelines()
    return $pipeline

When I go to the admin console, this inserted pipeline does not show up in the pipeline list for the content db.


I also tried to invoke it in the context of the schema db, as suggested below. No luck either.

  let $pipeline_id :=
      function() {
      <options xmlns="xdmp:eval">
        <database>{ xdmp:schema-database() }</database>


  • The solution is that the p:insert() call should be made against the triggers database, rather than content or schema. Essentially:

            function() {
            <options xmlns="xdmp:eval">
              <database>{ xdmp:triggers-database() }</database>

    After doing this, the pipeline showed up in the list in the Admin console.